
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pasta from Scratch

Sometimes, I wish I had been born Italian.  Sometimes, I pretend anyway and make fresh pasta.  This is pretty quick to make, and you're always left with a bunch to freeze, ready for another meal at a moment's notice.

3 cups All-Purpose Flour
4 Eggs
Pinch of Salt

Measure flour into a large mixing bowl.  Create a well in the middle of the flour.  Crack eggs into the well.  Add the pinch of salt.  Mix the eggs together with a fork, then slowly start to mix in the rest of the flour.  Once the dough comes together, mix by hand for several minutes.

Separate the dough into smaller balls.  Roll out with a rolling pin or pasta maker.  Cut into whatever shapes your heart desires.

To dry the pasta, hang it on a clothes hanger for an hour or two.  It will keep frozen for a few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention the place to acquire Swedish designed pasta drying devices.....

